This is an important time to take a look at your Advance Care Plans, life insurance policies, get your taxes and your bills in order, and to prepare a Will. This is a huge gift for your family and their future
With the pandemic moving through the population, the ability to meet face-to-face with your financial planner and lawyer will be restricted because offices will close. Many professionals will begin to work from home, so book any necessary in-person meetings now. Many businesses are already ramping up remote Skype and Zoom meetings with their clients. Will your computer support these kinds of meetings and appointments?
Finally, let your family know where they can find your important papers. These documents should include necessities about your values, beliefs, and preferences for care (see below), as well as financial documents, funeral arrangements, and any other important contracts/forms.
Think about your values, beliefs and preferences for future healthcare
Those in advanced stage illnesses may require Intensive Care – think about whether that is something you would want if ICUs were at capacity. If you become seriously ill, would you rather die at home or in-hospital? If you are at home, will your loved ones, friends, or neighbours be able to support you? Frank discussions with your loved ones are of paramount importance. This is a time to open up dialogue. COVID-19 is dominating our news cycle and it can be very emotional for many people as they watch it unfold. However, emotion can put us into motion. Advance Care planning isn’t just for those that are terminally ill. No one knows what is coming around the corner. I can help you navigate your Advance Care Plans over the phone.